As mandate by our Lord Jesus Christ to make disciples (Matt 28:20), one of Touch Asia Ministries’ endeavors is to train the native leaders within the target people groups in order to enhance the communities’ spiritual and social transformation. South Asia is a universe of diverse cultures and people groups. The most effective way of reaching every segment of the Asian society is to disciple and empower natives of each sub-culture. Therefore we are committed to equip local believers and native Lay-leaders who do not have academic qualification for the long term training. Appointing paid pastors in every unreached village is a difficult task, so we are empowering native believers into evangelism and in discipleship training. Native workers have few or no cultural barriers to overcome; they can readily share the Gospel with those who have never heard before. Our goal is to train and equip 250 native workers by 2020 so that they can be effective in establishing churches in their own villages as well as in neighboring villages. We are determined to see churches planted among every ethnic group in South Asia.
Total cost to train a native missionary is – $60.00/ month
Total cost of sponsoring a native worker will be- $90
You can support a native missionary in this region by donating $3.00 a day. You are asked to pray regularly for your missionary. When you become a sponsor, your missionary’s picture and testimony will be sent to you.
CLICK HERE to sponsor a missionary.