Our approach is to plant indigenous churches that will plant new churches by passing on the DNA that results in Church multiplication. In India alone, more than 150,000 villages exist without any influence of the Gospel. We are committed to train and develop native leaders to carry out this mission. Therefore we train new believers to be disciple makers and also to be church planters in their villages.
The focus nations of TouchAsia International Ministries are very restrictive to the work of the gospel and foreign missionaries. But the native workers can rapidly preach the Gospel to their own people and their villages without any cultural and language barriers. We are committed to place a minimum of ten missionary families in each of the unreached districts of this region to train the native believers and the native leaders to be church planters. Without the support from the Christians around the world, the untouched of South Asia would not be able to be touched.
You can support a missionary family in this region by donating $5.00 a day or $150.00 a month. You are asked to pray regularly for your missionary. When you become a sponsor, your missionary’s picture and testimony will be sent to you promptly. Click here to sponsor a missionary.